Our Catalog Download Our Catalogs Mechanical pressure switches M.1 Hex 24, integrated M.2 Hex 27, integrated M.3 Hex 24 M.4 Hex 27 M.5 Hex 24/27, ready-wired M.6 Pressure switches “PLUS” M.7 Hex 30, changeover M.8 ATEX M.9 Vacuum M.10 Accessories Electronic pressure switches E.1 “Performance”, adjustable at factory E.2 “Performance”, adjustable by user E.3 Electronic pressure switches hex 27 and 30 A/F E.4 Menu-controlled electronic pressure switches with display E.5 High-Performance switches, one output E.6 High-Performance switches, two outputs E.7 Accessories SUCO pressure transmitters T.1 Pressure Transmitter “Performance” T.2 Pressure Transmitter, hex 22, stainless steel 303 T.3 Pressure Transmitter, hex 22, stainless steel 316 L T.4 Pressure Transmitters with SoS technology T.5 Digital Pressure Transmitters with CANopen / J1939 Interface T.6 Pressure Transmitters’ Accessories